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米国正規品 16インチ テッド R-Rated トーキング テディベア ダーティバージョン ぬいぐるみ  TED 【RCP】
価格:9720 円(税込)
こちらの商品は代引きは不可となっております。この商品は米国正規品、予約商品です。コモンウエルス社の正規ラインセンス品です。*お届けは、3月末から4月頃の見込みです。*ダーティバージョンです。R-Rated*サイズ16インチ(約40cm)*電池交換可能*口が動きます。*5のフレーズを話します。(内容は変わる場合があります)"Yeah, I mean, y-you know when you sewed me up you put some of the stuffing in the wrong places so I'm-I'm a little f$!#ed up, but will you take care of me for ever and ever?... Aha! I'm just kidding you! I thought it'd be funny if you thought I was f$!#ing retarded.""You ever hear a Boston girl have an orgasm? 'Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Harder! Harder! Oh, God, that was so good! Now I'm gonna stuff my f$!#in' face with Pepperidge Farm.'""Well you never should've trusted me, I'm on drugs!""Alright c'mon, let's sing the Thunder Song. When you hear the sound of thunder, don't you get too scared. Just grab your Thunder Buddy and say these magic words: F$!# you, Thunder! You can suck my d$!#. You can't get me, Thunder, 'cause you're just God's farts (makes fart noise).""Oh f$!# that, it's been 4 years, Johnny! You and me have been together for 27 years; where's my ring, huh? Where's my ring, $!#hole? Where's my ring, mother f$!#er? Put it on my fuzzy finger, you f$!#! C'mon!"*抽選でプレゼント進呈TED トーキングバブルヘッドこんなフレーズを話します。"Hey, Johnny, how about a beer, huh Ooh, couple of Charles Brewkowski's" "Thats my bad I was sending a tweet." "I love you girls, you know, somewhere out there are four terrible fathers I wish I could thank for this great night." "Maybe you should say no to a snickers bar every once in a while." >>詳細を見る